The Board of Directors has, subject to compliance with the corporate purpose, the power to act in the Association’s name, to decide upon and carry out any transactions relating to the said purpose, in compliance with the resolutions adopted by the General Assembly. It is elected by secret vote of the General Assembly from among all members of the Association, for a period of three (3) years.
The members of the Board of Directors can be re-elected without any limitation in time and it may delegate all or part of its powers to the Association’s officers or to certain of its members.
The Board of Directors meets whenever necessary and on at least two (2) occasions per year, by any means, including telephone conference calls.
The Strategic Committee is the Association’s organ of strategic governance. It is Co-chaired by Nadège Rochel and Piergiorgio Pepe, ETHICS Board members. This Committee composing 15-20 members, is the body that determines the main guidelines, as well as the main priorities and action areas for the Association. The members of the Strategic Committee are appointed by the Board of Directors, which may replace or appoint a new member at any time.